Allyn Hoang

Allyn Hoang was born on 2nd April 1988, in Dallas Texas USA. She is 34 years old and has the astrological sign, Aries. She is born in the United States of American descent. Allyn hasn't yet disclosed her parents' names as well as any other details. The information is not available for her sister. Hoang has however posted on Instagram a photograph of her with her sister back in December 2013. Hoang said that despite the fact that the parents didn't have any money to do when they first arrived in America, that was not enough to provide for her and the sister she cared for. Allyn Hoang, who is one of the most famous hosts of TV shows is very popular. She is known for being an outstanding presenter in American TV time. She is an Emmy award-winning journalist as well. Additionally, she was able to participate in beauty peasant and later was allowed to play involved in hosting a TV show. Allyn was involved in the Asianand the American beauty Pageant in the year 2007. In the following year, she volunteered for The Salvation Army. Hoang was only a teenager at the time her journalistic career began. After she turned 17 years old, she started working for NBC Universal, which led to frequent travel in New York. Following this, the opportunity of working for IGN also came her way and even was hosting E!, the sports channel. In addition, she was the host of E! News appearances as well as Huffington Post also added to her list of accomplishments. Her contribution to MTV as well as NBC were highly praised. She worked on Friday Night Lights, a drama that was aired by NBC. Since 2008, she's an affiliate of the Asian American Journalist Association. Another accomplishment was in the time she traveled to Washington DC and worked with the initiative of the White House on Pacific Islanders, Asian Americans. In the moment, she is an entertainment reporter at NBC Dallas Fort Worth.

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